Andrew Kelly
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Around 20% of teens who have experienced emotional trauma don't respond to talk therapy. UT Health San Antonio is using neuroimaging to track brain changes in traumatized teens during a course of therapy to see if they can figure out why, which could lead to the development of more personalized treatments that will help more teens heal.
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- El Consejo votará sobre los carruajes tirados por caballos; Bexar DA aborda la acumulación de casos; New Braunfels confirma el más reciente caso de rabia
- Rosemary Kowalski, líder empresarial icónica, muere a los 100 años; NEISD considerará el cierre de escuelas; El aeropuerto inicia la construcción de una terminal de mil millones de dólares
Join us on Friday, December 13th from 5pm to 9:30pm for Holiday Night City (2024), our free holiday music concert series and market at Texas Public Radio HQ! As part of Holidays on Houston Street. Featuring the All In Barbershop Quartet, Mariachi Las Alteñas, and Los Gatos 512. Holiday Market vendors by SA Local Market.
Made Possible by Community First Health Plans.
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