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Republican Rep. Will Hurd And His Democratic Opponent Gina Ortiz Jones React To Russian Interference

Hurd campaign/Ortiz Jones campaign
Contributed photos

U.S. intelligence officials agree that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election with the intent to put Donald Trump in the White House – and it worked.

Russian President Vladimir Putin admitted as much during his recent summit with President Trump in Helsinki. In that meeting, the world watched as Trump failed to hold Putin accountable for Russian election meddling, sparking bipartisan criticism.

San Antonio Republican Congressman Will Hurd blasted Trump in a New York Times op-ed, saying Trump was being malipulated by Putin and calling for action to secure American democracy.

"The Source" spoke with Rep. Hurd and Democrat Gina Ortiz Jones, who is challenging Hurd for his congressional seat, about Russian interference in U.S. politics.

These are taped interviews and the guests will not be able to respond to calls from listeners.

In the second half of today's show, we opened up the phone lines for a continued conversation about Russian meddling with intelligence and foreign policy expert Malcom Nance:



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