Bexar County is working to be the first in Texas to legalize a needle exchange program.
Syringe services provide sterile equipment and the safe disposal of needles used by people who inject drugs.
"Clean needle" programs exist to reduce overall harm and actively combat the spread of HIV/AIDS and viral infections like Hepatitis C.
In communities nationwide, exchanges are slowly being accepted as a public health solution to preventing drug overdose and death, despite fears of enabling addiction.
San Antonio operated a short-lived syringe exchange program 10 years ago. How has the opioid epidemic impacted the city since?
What role do needle exchange programs have in the treatment and recovery of substance abuse?
On Wednesday, May 23, San Antonio will have its first "syringe summit" from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Living Church at Woodlawn Pointe. Call (210) 207-8780 for more information.
- Colleen Bridger, director of the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District
- Neel Lane, a local attorney who has been an advocate for needle exchange programs and represented people who were charged with crimes for conducting one
- Dr. Lucy Wilkening, assistant professor in the Feik School of Pharmacy at the University of the Incarnate Word
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