Families, join us on Saturday, August 27 from 1:00 to 4:00 at the San Antonio Garden Center (3310 N. New Braunfels) for “TPR Presents: The Art of Recycling.” Come join your fellow Texas Public Radio listeners and members for a free community event that will highlight new developments in recycling in San Antonio, and also offer opportunities for kids and their parents to create their own artistic projects out of ordinary household materials.
Activities include:
- Marble Runs
- Mosaic Tiles
- Percussion Instruments
- Coloring pages
- Memory Bottles
- Bird Feeders
- T-Shirt Aprons
- Free Art
Several local non-profits and arts organizations will be there to guide kids through the creative process. While at the event, kids can also enjoy complimentary KIND snacks.
Participating organizations include:
State of Texas Alliance for Recycling, Inspire Community Fine Art Center, Spare Parts, The DoSeum, Mitchell Lake Audubon Center, Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum, Carver Community Cultural Center, RMI (Reaching Maximum Independence), AACOG, and more...
TPR members are also encouraged to bring new art supplies for donations in the new school year to S.M.A.R.T. Specific needs include markers, construction paper, tempera paint and pencils.
TPR Presents: The Art of Recycling is a free community event, and will feature activities for all ages and abilities.
Special thanks to H-E-B and Frost for supporting this TPR Community Event!