In the first segment:
Signed into law by the governor earlier this year, SB 344 becomes active next week. The law will allow the convicted to appeal based on new scientific evidence that may contradict earlier forensic expert testimony.
Many kinds of cases have been overturned due to what defense lawyers call "junk science" -- from dog-scent lineups as in the case of Megan Winfrey, or other types of evidence once thought to prove arson.
Joining us on is Chief Counsel for The Innocence Project of Texas Jeff Blackburn, along with David A. Harris, author of the book "Failed Evidence: Why Law Enforcement Resists Science."
In the second segment:
The Awesome Foundation is a very different kind of foundation. Dedicated to making its chapter home more awesome, it has given its modest amount of funds out to some innovative arts project.
Photographer Sara Brooke Lyons from the 1005 Faces Project joins us along with web developer Ben Judson from wabiStory, a placemaking app that allows you to upload short audio works for others to access in places around San Antonio. Also joining us is Awesome Foundation Dean Michele Jacob.
*The Source airs at 3 p.m. on KSTX 89.1 FM - audio from this show will be posted by 5:30 p.m.