The city has been unhappy with the amount of foot-traffic the historic area gets and multiple studies have been done to try and address shortcomings. City council will be discussing the request for proposals that the Department for Culture & Creative Development has devised to encourage more visitors.
Today the La Villita Tenants Association has approached the mayor and city council members with a counter proposal aimed at hindering city efforts to change the way the city selects which vendors and artists can use the city-owned, commercial space. They are concerned that the changes being put forward would see longtime vendors put out of their shops and studios.
- Sebastian Guajardo, special projects manager with the Department for Culture & Creative Development.
- Jack Knight, La Villita Tenants Association president.
*This is the third segment in the March 17 edition of The Source, which airs at 3 p.m. on KSTX 89.1 FM -- audio from this show will be posted by 5:30 p.m.
***Disclosure Note: The City of San Antonio Department for Culture & Creative Development is a financial supporter of Texas Public Radio.